Sunday, March 4, 2012

Page 4: Photo and Video Gallery

Japanese planes surprise attacking Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

One of the ships that were destroyed in Pearl Harbor

Some of the 10,000 American and Filipino solider who were killed by the Japanese in the Bataan Death March

Chinese baby left after Japanese invasion of Manchuria

Deathpit in China after the Rape of Nanking

Explosion of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki

Testing of the atomic bomb

Japanese Rape of Nanking

Bataan Death March

Bombing of Hiroshima

Page 5: Works Cited

Works Cited

Page 6: Who Done It Page

Introductory Page: This page was done by both Michael and Grant. Both did the thesis and had ideas for what was to be said in the introductory page.

Page 2: History of Event: This page was again also done by both people. With Grant doing the research, as well as Michael, while Grant did most of the typing.

Page 3: Evidence Page: This page was done by Michael who looked up the primary sources and typed below them explaing why they were put there and how it supported the thesis.

Page 4: Photo/Video Gallery: This page was done by Grant who looked up the videos and the photos that were about WWII and that supported the theis statement.

Page 5: Works Cited Page: This page was done by Grant who created the works Cited Page in APA format and with 2 hyperlinks to outside websites.

Page 6: Who Done It Page: This page was done by Michael explaing who did which part in this blog project.

Page 3: Evidence Page

Translation of leaflet dropped on the Japanese

 This document supports that the dropping of the atomic bomb was justified because Japan's emperor didn't give the U.S. much of an option and decided to not surrender. In the document, it warns Japan that since they did not choose to surrender and end a pointless war, the United States have deployed their atomic bombs. It also states that Japan should end this war at once or the United States would have to employ the atomic bomb and all their other superior weapons to forcefully and promptly end the war. Japan had the choice to end the war and prevent the incidents that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, Japan decided to ignore the possibility of surrendering peacefully thus leading up to the bombings in Japan. 

Harry S. Truman to Richard Russell

This is another document that also justifies the United States for dropping the atomic bomb on Japan because it shows that Truman only would drop and atomic bomb unless it was absolutely necessary. Truman said in this telegram that he does not want to act like savage beast just because Japan is doing so. He also says that Japan is, at the time, acting like a cruel and terrible uncivilized nation. The way that Japan was acting made it necessary for the United Staes to drop the atomic bomb because Harry said that his objective was to save as many American lives as he possibly could. If they did not drop the bomb, Japan would have just kept killing american soilders and thus not saving as many lives as he could have. 

Telegram, Richard Russell to Harry S. Truman

This document justifies the United States in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan and that Japan should be dealt with as harshly as Germany. He says in the telegram how he does not see any vaild reason to why the United States should be so much more considerate and lenient in dealing with Japan than with Germany. The surprising attack on Pearl Harbor brought the United States into the war when we did not even do anything to Japan to begin with. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was a brutal attack and Japan needed to pay for what they had done. The dropping of the atomic bombs was justified becasue of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor for no reason and the Japanese refusal to surrender peacefully.

Telegram, Richard Russell to Harry S. Truman

In this document, US senator Richard Russel sent a telegram to Harry Truman saying that the Japanese can not be forgiven for what they did to pearl harbor. He is saying that why should the United States be playing by the rules when the Japanese are not? After all the blood and people that the Japanese cost the United States they deserved to be punished. Also after attacking Pearl Harbor without even the slightest warning and just surprised attacked us, they deserve to go down. This document shows that with everything that Japan did to us, they might have not stopped attacking and the United States could not risk that so in the end the dropping of the atomic bomb was the smart decision. 

John Stone to General Arnold

This document shows what the United States had to resort to because of Japan not surrendering peacefully. They had to now talk about when and where to drop the bomb.  The dates chosen to drop the bomb would be between August 1 and August 10.  The cities chosen to be bombed were Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kokura, and Niigata. These cities were all chosen because all of them were believed to have large number of key Japanese industrialist and political figures who sought refuge from major destroyed cities. The United States had to do it this way because it showed Japan how serious they were and how quickly they wanted the war to just end.   

Henry Stimson to Harry S. Truman, with attached draft press release

This document is about the atomic bomb and how it can be used and held.  They had to find an appropriate place to test this bomb and see what would happen when it went off.  It also says in the document how the atomic bomb can become a forceful and powerful influence to the maintenance of world peace.  When the Japanese refused to surrender, the United States droped two atomic bombs on Japan. One on Hiroshima and the other on Nagasaki. Once the bombs were dropped, Japan soon surrendered after. The dropping of the bombs weren't ideal, but it did get Japan to surrender and it did save many american lives which was Trumans goal and it ended a very bloody war.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Page 2: History of the Event

  Hiroshima was the primary target from the first nuclear bombing mission on August 6, with the cities of Kokura and Nagasaki as back up targets. We sent warnings to Japan saying we have a powerful weapon that we will use if they don't surrender. They refused, so we dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, killing approximately 100,000 Japanese. After another request to surrender, we didn't hear from them for another 3 days. We then dropped the second bomb onto the city of Nagasaki, killing around 70,000 people.
Two photos of atomic bomb mushroom clouds, over two Japanese cities in 1945.

Hiroshima before                             Hiroshima after                                                            


Nagasaki before

 Nagasaki after

30% of the population were killed immediately. Six days after the second bomb was dropped, the Japanese Emperor announced their surrender and officially ended WWII. They signed the Instrument of Surrender on September 2, officially ending World War II. The bombings led to post-war Japan's adopting Three Non-Nuclear Principles, forbidding the nation from nuclear armament. The atomic bomb named Little Boy was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6,1945. Three days later it was followed up by the dropping of the Fat Man on Nagasaki on Auguest 9, 1945.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


        World War II was one of the worst wars in the history of mankind. It also had the worst ending, the U.S. dropping two atomic bombs on Japan. The United States was justified in making the tough decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan because it ended the war quickly saving american lives, and retaliated against the Japanese for their earlier surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. If Truman didn't make the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, it would have led to the death of an estimated amount of over 250,000 people. Japan purposely decieved America prior to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by sending messages wanting peace and showing no sign of intentions for war. Japan then bombed our Navy base at Pearl Harbor, killing 2,400 American soldiers, injuring 1,250, almost 100 civilian casualties, destroyed 9 battleships, 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, 343 aircraft,and 3 auxiliaries. The day after, Roosevelt delivered his famous infamy speech to Congress, and called for a formal declaration of war on the Empire of Japan. The Japanese refused to surrender throughout the war, and committed horrible atrocities to innocent people during their fight. They killed countless civilians and forced 75,000 Allied troops to march 65 miles to a camp in the Phillipines, causing over 10,000 of them to die of starvation, fatigue, and exposure. The Japanese were ruthless and would of kept fighting without surrender if the U.S. didn't drop the atomic bombs.