Page 2: History of the Event

    Hiroshima was the primary target from the first nuclear bombing mission on August 6, with the cities of Kokura and Nagasaki as back up targets. We sent warnings to Japan saying we have a powerful weapon that we will use if they don't surrender. They refused, so we dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, killing approximately 100,000 Japanese. After another request to surrender, we didn't hear from them for another 3 days. We then dropped the second bomb onto the city of Nagasaki, killing around 70,000 people.

Two photos of atomic bomb mushroom clouds, over two Japanese cities in 1945.
                                                                                                             Nagasaki before
Hiroshima before                             Hiroshima after                                                             Nagasaki after

     30% of the population were killed immediately. Six days after the second bomb was dropped, the Japanese Emperor announced their surrender and officially ended WWII. They signed the Instrument of Surrender on September 2, officially ending World War II. The bombings led to post-war Japan's adopting Three Non-Nuclear Principles, forbidding the nation from nuclear armament. The atomic bomb named Little Boy was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6,1945. Three days later it was followed up by the dropping of the Fat Man on Nagasaki on Auguest 9, 1945.