Introductory Page: This page was done by both Michael and Grant. Both did the thesis and had ideas for what was to be said in the introductory page.
Page 2: History of Event: This page was again also done by both people. With Grant doing the research, as well as Michael, while Grant did most of the typing.
Page 3: Evidence Page: This page was done by Michael who looked up the primary sources and typed below them explaing why they were put there and how it supported the thesis.
Page 4: Photo/Video Gallery: This page was done by Grant who looked up the videos and the photos that were about WWII and that supported the theis statement.
Page 5: Works Cited Page: This page was done by Grant who created the works Cited Page in APA format and with 2 hyperlinks to outside websites.
Page 6: Who Done It Page: This page was done by Michael explaing who did which part in this blog project.